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Thursday, July 29, 2010

My Nephews

Me and my Nephews.

It's Mhe...!!!

           I'm Rubina Blas, from Sta. Maria, Flora, Apayao. I was born on March 14, 1991 at San. Luis, Roxas, Isabela ( the hometown of my mama). I'm daughter of  Mr. and Mrs. Rolison Blas. I' m proud of my parent because they sacrifices for our studies with my younger brother, they provide all our needs as long as they can. I'm studying here at University of Cagayan Valley (formerly Cagayan Colleges Tuguegrao), taking up the degree of  Bachelor of  Science in   Information Technology.



                 Life has its ups and downs. Sometimes you feel happy, sometimes you feel sad, and sometimes you feel disgusted. In the very beginning, after birth a person has already his "fortune". But it is his own way to make his destiny a successful one...

Through journeys of conversation is one way to draw nearer to God. He is the only friend whom a person can commit himself, in times of trials, problems, and challenges a side from an ordinary friend.

Since "nothing is impossible to God", because basing from the creation, they have their life and we are the most powerful among them because we have the right to do what we want. But as creation of God, we must have to love our fellowmen because they have also the right to LOVE.....!