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Thursday, August 26, 2010

It's MhEEee..

This picture of mine is at my first year collge... So simple

Me and Raquel

      This Picture was taken on our field trip last September 2009 at Manila  beside Mall of Asia (MOA).

My Prayer

      Jesus Divine Master, I adore You as the Word Encarnate sent by the Father to instruct men in life giving truths. You alone have the words of eternal life . I ask You pardon for all the times that I have not listen d to your word in the Bible and the teaching of the Church. Master show the treasureof Wisdom. Enlighten my mind and expel from it all darkness of sin and ignorance. Give me a diligent and obidient spirit, a quick mind to grasp ideas and a retentive memory. Above all assist me with the light of Your Holy Spirit so that I may apply my studies for Your honor, for my salvation and the good of others. Amen...